In today's hectic world of work, lifelong learning frequently takes unexpected turns. Nes Raphael's decision to pursue education in Canada, after working for two decades of jobs in India, is a prime example of this never-ending process of growth and transformation. Raphael, a Mumbaikar, saw a chance to broaden his horizons and explore a new place, believing that a formal education boost would speed up his career growth.

"We are on a journey of continuous learning. On-the-job learning is great, but when this is supplemented with the strong foundation that formal education gives, you create opportunities to grow and rise at an accelerated pace," he explained. The "beauty of Canada and its distinct education system" offered a compelling reason to embark on this journey, he said.

Nes Raphael Made it to President’s Honor List | Relocating overseas for education came with several challenges for Raphael and resilience was required to continue academics after a long break and adapt to a new educational system. "One of the biggest challenges was living and studying in a different country that is altogether new to you. Settling into a new space involves a whole lot of adjustment," he shared.

What shaped Rapahel's decision? Important factors that shaped Raphael's decision included self-motivation and support from friends and family. "I’m self-motivated. A lot of positive self-talk and support from your family and friends make it possible to stay committed," said Raphael.

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