Actress Neha Dhupia recently paid an emotional tribute to her late father-in-law, Bishan Singh Bedi , the legendary Indian cricketer, through a deeply personal gesture. She shared the story of a cherished wedding gift—a vintage Indian cricket sweater worn by Bedi during his illustrious career. This sweater, now a family heirloom , is more than just an article of clothing; it symbolizes the indomitable spirit and enduring legacy of one of India’s cricketing greats.

Neha, married to actor Angad Bedi, recounted how she had requested the sweater as her wedding gift. “I had my heart set on one particular piece of memorabilia. It’s not just a sweater; it’s a piece of history that embodies the spirit of Indian cricket.

Dad graciously gifted it to me, and to me, it represents resilience, excellence, and an eternal connection to the sport he loved so much,” she said. The iconic sweater, adorned with the Indian cricket emblem, once accompanied Bishan Singh Bedi during some of his most memorable matches. Recently, Neha honoured his memory by wearing it to a test match during India’s tour of Australia.

Reflecting on the moment, she shared, “Wearing this sweater fills me with pride and nostalgia. It’s a living reminder of the immense legacy my father-in-law has left behind and an era of cricket defined by passion, grace, and integrity.” Taking to social media, Neha posted a heartfelt note: “This sweater carries a different kind of warmth.

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