Medicaid coverage of vision care varies widely between states An estimated 6.5 million adults with Medicaid lack coverage for routine eye exams About 14.6 million don’t have coverage for glasses THURSDAY, Aug.

15, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- When it comes to Medicaid and vision care, how much coverage people get depends on the state in which they live, a new study finds. Most Medicaid enrollees have at least some routine vision coverage, but an estimated 6.5 million adults live in states without comprehensive coverage for routine eye exams, researchers found.

Likewise, about 14.6 million adults didn’t have comprehensive coverage for glasses. In all, 20 states do not cover glasses and 35 states do not cover low vision aids.

That means even if a person’s eye exam is covered, they often can’t afford the glasses they need to correct their vision, the researchers noted. Medicaid provides health coverage to low-income people and families, and its policies can greatly influence access to vision care. “The positive finding from our study is that most fee-for-service Medicaid programs across the states covered routine eye exams, which are vital for detecting and addressing vision issues early,” said lead researcher Brandy Lipton , an associate professor of health, society and behavior at the University of California, Irvine (UCI).

“However, the substantial gaps highlight opportunities for policy changes to enhance coverage and access,” Lipton added in a UCI news release. .