Bollywood star Nawazuddin Siddiqui landed in Kathmandu on Saturday afternoon to attend the premiere of "Shambhala," a Nepali film selected for the Berlin Film Festival. Upon arrival, Siddiqui was greeted by enthusiastic fans at the airport terminal. Speaking to ANI, Siddiqui shared, "I am here for the celebration of our movie called Shambhala.

I am here for maybe two or three days." ADVERTISEMENT Directed by Min Bahadur Bham, "Shambhala" is set to premiere on Sunday. The film has already achieved a milestone by being the first Nepali movie selected for the Berlin Film Festival.

Lead actress Thinley Lhamo has also garnered acclaim, winning the Boccalino d'Oro Prize at the Locarno Film Festival. The film is scheduled for a public release in Nepal on September 13, 2024. In addition to the premiere, Siddiqui plans to tour Kathmandu.

"Yes, of course, Nepal is a beautiful country. Since I am here in Kathmandu, I will see all the sights," the actor told ANI. Siddiqui had previously expressed interest in watching the film during his meeting with Bham at the film festival and showed eagerness to collaborate with the director in the future.

Bham was at the airport to welcome Siddiqui and his team, who arrived from Mumbai. Fans surrounded Siddiqui for photos and autographs as he was escorted from the terminal. One fan, Deepika Thapa, who managed to present Siddiqui with a red rose, expressed her excitement, "It was such a blessing.

My friends and I had been waiting since morning. Meetin.