The first signs of the colourful autumn leaf display in our local deciduous forest started to appear this year in early August, much earlier than in past years when leaf colour change started in early September and peaked by mid-October. This will happen earlier each year as the climate changes. The beginning of the wonderful autumn displays of gold and royal purple from the aster and goldenrods happened in early August and brought to mind the quotes from my favourite author, Dr.

Robin Wall Kimmerer. Her first book, “Gathering Moss,” on the natural and cultural history of mosses that she published in 2003 was my first introduction to this talented writer. I was just starting my studies of mosses and read every book I could find on the subject.

She covered the simple but important lives of mosses and told us that trees alone don’t make a forest. One of her many quotes in her book. I was so impressed with her writing as she wrote how a close encounter with a mossy log made her think of entering a fantasy fabric shop.

She eloquently wrote about the colour and texture of different moss species. The silky drape of Plagiothecium, the glossy brocade of Brotherella, the woolly tufts of Dicranum, the golden, shinning ribbons of Mnium, the nubby, brown tweed of Callicladium and the gilt threads of Campylium. It really helped me learn and apricate mosses.

Ten years later, in 2013, she published her second book, “Braiding Sweetgrass” on Indigenous wisdom and scientific knowledg.