Saturday, July 13, 2024 Nauru is a little-known country in Oceania, and the nearest ‘big’ country is Australia. Nauru, one of the least-visited countries, is often overshadowed by its more tourism-friendly neighbors due to its limited infrastructure and heavy reliance on Australia for economic and administrative management. Though technically Nauru is its own country, travel to the island is managed by Australia; travelers must fly into Australia and get a connecting flight to Nauru.

This tiny island nation, known for its phosphate mining history and unique cultural heritage, is gradually becoming a point of interest for adventurous travelers seeking off-the-beaten-path destinations. Nauru uses the Australian dollar as its currency. Nauru’s GDP was about USD 0.

1 billion in 2022. Historically reliant on phosphate mining, Nauru has sought to diversify its economy after depleting its primary reserves by the end of the 2010s. Countries that can visit Nauru without a Visa: List of Airports in Nauru: Airlines in Nauru: Nauru Airlines is the national airline of Nauru, offering flights to various destinations including Brisbane (Australia), Nadi (Fiji), Tarawa (Kiribati), Majuro (Marshall Islands), and Honiara (Solomon Islands).

Guam Discusses ‘Boosting Connectivity’ With Nauru Airlines To Increase Economic Growth Government officials from the US territory and Nauru are discussing a potential air service agreement to bring more airline options to Guam. Nauru Airlines, curre.