At least seven people died in connection with the attack, including a Trump supporter who was shot by a police officer. “I think I’m gonna get along great with China. President Xi of China and I were very good friends.

We met right here,” Trump told reporters in his estate’s gilded event space, where he sat with the Chinese leader in April 2017. “We had a beautiful sofa there as opposed to what we have right now. Right now we have you.

” Trump and Xi “had a very good relationship until Covid, and I held him responsible for Covid. It broke up our relationship, but I think we’re gonna have a great relationship”, the Republican nominee added. “And I think it’s going to be mutually beneficial, but we cannot have it when China is taking advantage of the United States and this is what they were doing.

” Democrats “allowed China and Russia to do the impossible: combine. They’re natural enemies. They always have been because China needs more land and Russia has it”, Trump said.

“And because of Obama – it started with him and then Biden because he didn’t know what the hell he was doing – they’ve now become one force.”.