Celebrated on the third Sunday of July, under National Ice Cream Month instituted by President Ronald Reagan in 1984, is Ice Cream Day. Beginning with the ancient Chinese employing snow and dairy, ice cream has a millennia of history. Modern form was shaped by innovations in Italy and France around the sixteenth century.

It arrived in America around the 18th century and quickly became a favorite treat. Ice cream is consumed all around in many flavors and forms nowadays. Mars rules Aries, who are renowned for their vitality and audacity.

They enjoy adventure and excitement, hence a sundae catered to them should capture their vivid character. Mirror their fiery attitude by starting with a base of hot Mexican chocolate ice cream. Add heat with hot chocolate sauce and cinnamon-sugar roasted pecans.

Add some chili flakes for an exciting turn-about. Top it with a dab of whipped cream and a cherry, signifying Aries's love of first in everything and her leadership abilities. Venus-ruled Taurus values the better things in life and indulges.

For Taurus, a sundae should be opulent and sumptuous. Starting with a base of delicious vanilla bean ice cream, which represents their passion of traditional pleasures, To fulfill their sweet taste, layer honeycomb bits and caramel sauce. For a crunch, toss with praline pecans.

Finish with a drizzle of dark chocolate ganache and a few edible gold flakes, so capturing their love of luxury and the finer details. Mercury rules Geminis; they are inquis.