The renowned television presenter Andrés Hurtado, popularly known as Chibolin is going through a complicated legal moment after having been arrested on a preliminary basis and facing charges for alleged crimes of bribery and influence peddling. However, this scandal does not only involve him, but has also put his daughters, Génnesis and Jossety Hurtado, in the spotlight, who have been the subject of investigations for their lifestyle and sources of income. What did Natalie Vértiz say about Josetty Hurtado? The program ‘ You are everywhere ‘ released a report that closely examined the lives of Andrés Hurtado’s daughters.

The report showed how Génnesis and Jossety Hurtado lead a lifestyle marked by the use of clothing from well-known luxury brands and high-end cars, which raised questions about the true source of their income. Jossety Hurtado has been seen with high-value products that include clothing and accessories from internationally renowned brands. Her popularity on platforms such as Instagram has allowed her to collaborate with various companies, something that she claims has allowed her to afford her luxurious lifestyle.

However, this statement has generated divided opinions on the true source of her income and to what extent these collaborations justify the high standard of living she displays. However, Natalie Vértiz spoke about the case of Jossety Hurtado. The former beauty queen stressed that working with luxury brands is not an easy task, and tha.