Saturday, August 10, 2024 The Frist Art Museum in Nashville is set to unveil “LaJuné McMillian: The Portal’s Keeper—Origins,” a mesmerizing exhibition showcasing the innovative work of New York-based artist LaJuné McMillian. This exhibition, running from September 27, 2024, to January 5, 2025, in the Gordon Contemporary Artists Gallery, promises to captivate visitors with its multimedia projections, sculptural installations, and holographic self-portraits. LaJuné McMillian pushes the boundaries of art and technology, using 3D-modeling, motion-capture techniques, and multisensory elements to create immersive environments that honor Black bodily movement as a powerful expression of freedom.

Through motion-capture software, McMillian animates avatars of Black dancers, performers, and even the artist themself, infusing them with vibrant colors and dynamic energy. These avatars navigate through fantastical landscapes, responding to a rich blend of poetry, incantations, and diverse soundscapes. This exhibition offers a profound exploration of identity, movement, and the limitless potential of digital art, making it a must-see event in Nashville.

“Throughout the works in this exhibition, the body—sinuous and vital, uninhibited and unencumbered—moves from a place of pain into one of new possibility,” writes Frist Art Museum chief curator Mark Scala. “In suggesting that technology can help Black people imagine a more empowered future for themselves, McMillian�.