Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin A meteor streaks across the Milky Way during the Perseid meteor shower. Getty Where is the best place to see the Perseid meteor shower in 2024? What is the best time to see the Perseids? The year’s biggest and best meteor shower is almost upon us, and NASA has begun answering questions about how to see as many “shooting stars” as possible. Its main advice? Get out of the city and find dark rural skies.

When Is The Perseid M eteor Shower: Dates The Perseid meteor shower runs from July 14 through September 1, 2024, but will peak on the night of Sunday, August 11, through Monday, August 12. Although you may have already seen some Perseids, it's that peak night when you need to be ready. According to the American Meteor Society , the peak is around 04:00 UTC on August 12, midnight EDT on August 12.

Forbes Here's When To See The Perseid Meteor Shower Peak In Every U.S. State By Jamie Carter Perseid M eteor Shower: When To Look The times this year are perfect.

“This year's Perseids will be slightly impacted by a 53% waxing Moon, but the Moon will set right as the Perseids begin to peak,” reads a blog post published by NASA. The moon, albeit half-lit, so significantly bright, will set about midnight wherever you are in North America, making the best advice relatively simple—look from after the moon sets (or thereabouts) until dawn. Take lots of breaks—nobody can intensely stare at the night sky for more than 30 minut.