The Pillars of Creation , a breathtaking image captured by NASA ’s Hubble Space Telescope in 1995, have long fascinated the public with their otherworldly beauty. These towering structures, located in the heart of the Eagle Nebula, are renowned for their striking, ethereal appearance. Now, NASA has unveiled a new 3D visualization of these celestial giants, crafted using data from both the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes.

This latest visualization represents the most detailed multiwavelength movie of the Pillars of Creation to date. The four Pillars, composed mainly of cool molecular hydrogen and dust, are being shaped and eroded by the intense winds and ultraviolet light emitted by nearby young, hot stars. The towering structures, some of which stretch across three light-years, are home to finger-like extensions that contain developing stars.

For perspective, the tallest pillar reaches three-quarters of the distance between our Sun and the closest star. Video of Pillars of Creation visualization Pillars of Creation Star in New Visualization from NASA’s Hubble and Webb Telescopes What are the Pillars of Creation? The Pillars of Creation are colossal structures located in the heart of the Eagle Nebula, famously captured by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope in 1995. These towering formations are primarily composed of cool molecular hydrogen and dust, and they are known for their striking, ethereal beauty.

The pillars feature finger-like extensions that house developing .