Summary "Spread Your Wings" on social media with #NationalAviationDay Take an introductory flight lesson or build an airplane NASA is innovating aviation technology for a better future Today, the United States is celebrating National Aviation Day , a holiday first established in 1939. It was established by a presidential proclamation by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to designate the anniversary of Orville Wright's birth (born in 1871) to be a national holiday (Orville was still alive when the proclamation was first issued).

It has now been over 120 years since Orville Wright first flew . NASA is sharing 11 ideas for how aviation enthusiasts can celebrate it today. NASA's ten + bonus ideas for celebrating National Aviation Day NASA's first suggestion is an easy one that almost anyone can do (if they can find an aircraft).

All they need to do is "spread their wings" by posing in front of an airplane with their arms stretched out like the wings of an airplane. They should then upload the picture onto social media with the hashtag #NationalAviationDay. NASA's ideas for remembering National Aviation Day "Spread Your Wings" Remember that NASA is with you when you fly Visit your local science museum or NASA visitor center Watch an aviation-themed movie Take an introductory flight lesson Build an airplane Tell us about your first flight Follow what we're doing to transform aviation Visit your local library or download a NASA e-book Have plane spotting picnic near an airport Get to .