It will not happen in the blink of an eye, but can be done. And we are on the right track. This is evident by reports of notable achievements by our young people in various spheres.

Nothing is impossible. The feeling I had when I saw a piece I wrote published in a local paper for the first time cannot be put into words. I know I am not equipped with the necessary knowledge to write proper newspaper articles, but I like writing, and it encouraged me to write more.

I keep reminding myself of the words of former United States government official Ezra Benson, who once said pride brings many curses, but humility brings blessings. Fellow Namibians, I am here to talk about few Namibians who are putting our country on the world map. They are above 35 years old, but I see them as young people.

Some of them are in leadership positions, while others are yet to make their mark in leading our country. They are Inna Hengari (member of parliament), Utaara Mootu (MP), Duminga Ndala (youth leader), Maximallient Katjimune (MP), Twahafa Neshuku (Pan-African Youth), Lahja Nashuuta (reporter), Asmara Kaffer (youth officer), Wilhelm Amutenya (student leader at the University of Namibia), Vicent Shimutwikeni (legal and compliance officer at Unam), Lucia Ndishishi (legal practitioner), Emma Muteka, Elijah Ngurare, Elsie Nghikembwa (Electoral Commission of Namibia chairperson), Beata Johaness-Eenhana (supervisor at the Ministry of Health and Social Services), Job Amupanda (presidential candidate), Ka.