Followed by Arshad Warsi sharing his review on the recently released film Kalki 2898 AD which garnered tremendous response at the box office, it has sparked yet another Bollywood vs South, to be more specific Bollywood vs Tollywood debate, which has also angered a few netizens. Director of this dystopian action-drama Nag Ashwin is the latest one to react on this controversy but the peace-loving filmmaker has taken the criticism in his stride and has even gone to request some social media users to stop spreading hatred. Nag Ashwin REACTS to Arshad Warsi calling Prabhas a ‘joker’ in Kalki 2898 AD; requests not to spread hate Nag Ashwin took to the social media platform X, aka Twitter, to react to the statements made by Arshad Warsi along with asserting that the character will be developed well for the sequel.

He responded to the comments, saying, “Let's not go more north-south or bolly vs tolly.

.eyes on the bigger picture..

United Indian Film Industry..Arshad saab should have chosen his words better.

.but it's ok..

sending buji toys 4 his work hard so tweets fdfs that prabhas was the best ever in k2”.

Let's not go more north-south or bolly vs tolly.

.eyes on the bigger picture..

United Indian Film Industry..Arshad saab should have chosen his words better.

.but it's ok..

sending buji toys 4 his work hard so tweets fdfs that prabhas was the best ever in k2???? — Nag Ashwin (@nagashwin7) August 24, 2024 Furthermore answering to a .