Nag Ashwin , the director of the highly anticipated film Kalki 2898 AD , has finally addressed the controversy surrounding Arshad Warsi 's recent comments about Prabhas. Warsi's remarks, in which he likened Prabhas ' appearance in the film to that of a "joker," have sparked significant backlash, particularly among Prabhas' fans. Instead of fanning the flames, Ashwin decided to diffuse the situation with a playful twist.

Nag Ashwin's Response: Focusing on Unity Taking to social media, Nag Ashwin responded to the growing controversy by urging fans and industry professionals alike to avoid the divisive rhetoric of "north versus south" or "Bollywood versus Tollywood ." Instead, he emphasised the importance of seeing the bigger picture and uniting as an Indian film industry. Ashwin acknowledged that Warsi's choice of words could have been better, but he chose to downplay the incident, stating that it's all part of the industry's ups and downs.

He even added a touch of humor by mentioning that he would send "Buji toys" for Warsi's kids. "Let's not go backwards..

. no more north-south or bolly vs tolly (Bollywood vs Tollywood)..

. eyes on the bigger picture..

. united Indian film industry..

. Arshad saab (sir) should have chosen his words better..

. but it's ok..

. sending Buji toys for his kids..

. I will work hard so tweets..

. that Prabhas was the best ever in K2 (flexed biceps emoji)." Bujji is a humanoid, AI-powered, futuristic robo-car, serving as both the best friend and sidekick to .