Lara Adejoro The National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control has alerted Nigeria to the sale of a fake soap labelled as “Dettol Health Fresh Soap” in the market. According to the alert on NAFDAC’s website on Thursday, the manufacturer of Dettol Antiseptic products confirmed that the soap is fake as it does not have any product by the name “Dettol Health Fresh Soap.” “The Marketing Authorization Holder and manufacturer (Reckitt Benckiser Nigeria Limited) of Dettol Antiseptic products, received a consumer complaint regarding the above-mentioned product.

The product was reported to have caused skin irritation to the complainant. “The MAH has confirmed that the product is fake as they do not have any product by the name “Dettol Health Fresh Soap”. Dettol Antiseptic products are widely used in Nigeria for household disinfection and personal hygiene to prevent illnesses from germs (bacterial infection),” it said.

It added that details of the complaint product were not provided by the complainant except for the name of the product “Dettol Health Fresh Soap.” The agency noted that the illegal marketing of NAFDAC-regulated products or fake products poses a risk to people’s health, and since they do not comply with the regulatory provisions, the products’ safety, quality, and efficacy are not guaranteed. It said all NAFDAC zonal directors and state coordinators have been directed to carry out surveillance and mop up the fake product if foun.