Monday, September 23, 2024 Following a chaotic weekend of severe snowstorms, the N3 highway in South Africa has been fully reopened, allowing traffic to flow once again. The toll road, which connects the KwaZulu-Natal and Free State provinces, experienced significant disruptions due to heavy snowfall that left motorists stranded for hours. As videos and images circulated on social media showing cars trapped under thick blankets of snow, the road closure created considerable travel delays for both local commuters and long-distance travelers.

While the N3 Toll Concession (N3TC) has now declared the route safe for use, authorities have advised motorists to resume travel only during daylight hours, particularly on Monday. The reopening of the N3 has come as a relief to those affected by the storm, but it has also raised concerns about the preparedness of both authorities and travelers when unexpected weather events hit. With the highway serving as a critical link between major provinces, the impact of such disruptions on the travel and tourism industry is significant.

The snowstorm that hit the N3 highway over the weekend caused widespread disruption to travel, leaving many road users stranded between Tugela Plaza and Harrismith for almost two days. As snow accumulated rapidly, vehicles became immobilized, creating a severe backlog of traffic and forcing travelers to endure cold and uncomfortable conditions. Social media posts of stranded cars and travelers highlighted the extent.