Saturday, November 9, 2024 In the final week of October, the Mysuru Palace Board raised the entry fee for foreign visitors substantially, from Rs 100 to Rs 1,000. This move sparked concern among tourism sector stakeholders, who cautioned that such a steep hike could deter international tourists from visiting this renowned attraction. However, recent data from the palace board has shown that foreign tourist visits to the palace remain robust.

The statistics reveal that from October 25 to 31, the palace welcomed 952 foreign visitors, a significant rise from 634 in 2023 and 320 in 2022 for the same period. Further, between November 1 and 6, 2024, 899 foreigners visited, compared to 781 in 2023 and 389 in 2022. According to palace officials, this year-on-year increase demonstrates that the fee adjustment has not deterred foreign tourists.

The board’s decision to adjust the entry fee on October 25 was attributed to GST changes and the inclusion of various complimentary services within the palace. Despite initial resistance from tourism and hospitality stakeholders, who feared the new charges might reduce foreign arrivals to Mysuru, the data suggests the attraction’s appeal remains unaffected among international visitors. Deputy Director of the Mysore Palace Board, TS Subramanya, reported that foreign visitor numbers to the palace have more than doubled, even following the recent entry fee revision.

This unexpected surge in international tourist attendance suggests that the inc.