DEAR DEIDRE: MY wife’s relationship with her promiscuous friend is threatening our marriage. I’ve never liked this friend, as she loves nothing more than long nights out drinking and partying – and tends to go home with a different man each time. She’s single so that’s fine – it’s her choice.

But we are married and have a toddler. The thought of drunk men leering over my wife, or that she may be put in an unsafe position because of her friend’s recklessness, worries me. I’m 34 and my wife is 31.

She and her friend have known each other since school. I have my own plumbing business and my wife now looks after our young son. Get in touch with the Dear Deidre team Every problem gets a personal reply from one of our trained counsellors.

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uk Whenever I challenge her about their friendship, she says she enjoys spending time with her because she’s lots of fun and reminds her of who she used to be. A couple of weeks ago it was my mum’s 60th birthday and my sisters and I organised a surprise party for her. My wife said she couldn’t go because she’d arranged a weekend away with this friend.

I wasn’t happy but as my wife had booked it and I’d forgotten the date, I reluctantly agreed to her going. True to form, her friend hooked up with a man o.