My son is involved with a woman with whom he fathered a child. He is still married to his wife and has young children with her. I don’t like this woman, the girlfriend, for many reasons, one of which is she has an unkind streak.

She also seems to be lacking in common courtesy. The two of them were given a baby shower by her mother and sisters that was held in the mother’s home. We went with gift in hand.

Within 15 minutes the father came, said who he was, held out his hand, turned and left. We never saw the mother. It appeared that all the men at the shower were outside enjoying a beer except for the three men in our group who arrived together.

No one ever came to invite them out to the backyard for a beer or anything else. The rest of the women at the party were upstairs in the kitchen and living room. Every now and then two or three women would come down to the party room with glasses of wine in their hands to see some presents being opened, then turn and go back upstairs after a few minutes.

I felt very awkward being in the hostess’ home and I didn’t even know what she looked like. When it came time to leave we came upstairs, put on our shoes and left without being approached and told goodbye. I swore never to step foot in the house again.

I was so embarrassed and felt slighted. It’s a year later and a first birthday party is being held for the child at, you guessed it, the grandparents’ place. I am expected to attend.

The last thing I want is to walk into that.