Of all the skincare products out there, I’ve probably spent more time and energy on finding the for my skin than anything else. As someone with , I’ve always struggled to find a face cream that delivers on hydration without exacerbating breakouts or weighing my skin down. Thankfully, though, after years of trial and error I now have a reliable shortlist of , along with an array of and .

However, with summer drawing to a close, I’ve noticed a few unwanted changes to my skin. Although I often deal with spots, redness and irritation aren’t things that are typically on my list of skincare concerns—yet that’s exactly what I’ve been facing over the last few weeks. And there was only one moisturiser that I knew I could rely on to restore some balance to my skin.

Enter: Dr. Jart+ Ceramidin Cream. While I wear every day, and make sure to apply it extra carefully during the warmer months, there’s no doubt that my skin has been experiencing some kind of post-summer meltdown.

I’ve spent way more time outside than usual which has meant not only more sun exposure, but more exposure to things like pollution and other environmental aggressors (summer in London is no joke). Combined with a more rigorous routine to ensure that I was getting rid of all of that at the end of each day and my skin was looking more red, inflamed and dehydrated than usual. So it’s good news, then, that the Dr.

Jart+ Ceramidin Cream aims to tackle all of these concerns and more besides. Chances ar.