My sister’s friend comes from a very different family than ours. We had a fun, easy childhood where we could enjoy the innocence and freedom of being children. Sure, we had chores around the house, such as taking out the garbage, helping sweep up all the leaves or walking the dog, which we were always happy to do because we then got an allowance.

It wasn’t even enough to get a Starbucks. The friend, on the other hand, had to start paying rent in her home at the age of 12, which meant she had to find a real paying job when she was in seventh grade. Her parents were less than warm and fuzzy, often forgot to make her a lunch for school and rarely remembered to pick her up after school.

There would be days on end when she would sleep over and her parents never reached out to thank my parents or wonder where she was. I always felt so sad for her, but she was a happy person and we all loved having her around. She was like another big sister for me.

She’s now decided what type of career she wants to go for and is heading back to school. Again, no one is helping her with tuition, rent, food etc. She’ll have to work during these years which will set her back.

Our family wants to help but she’s too proud to simply accept a cheque. How can we help? One thing I would not do is pay for anything behind her back. She is not going to appreciate anything that resembles charity or a handout.

As you mentioned, she is too proud and has managed to take care of herself for a dozen years..