So, Natasha Pearl Hansen, tell us about your Fringe show: My show is called “The Right Amount of Wrong,” and it basically picks up on my life from where my last comedy special was shot on my cancelled wedding, and covers the aftermath of everything I dealt with in my breakup, the pandemic, and where I’m at now. I talk about everything from blocking children on Instagram, to my grandma and family stories, to crazy things I’ve done to make money in my life. It’s a totally wild ride, and I feel like all the lives I’ve lived really come out in this new hour.

It’s relatable and very, very real. I’ve been taking this material on tour across the US for the past year, and it’s always surprising how some element of my show and story is relatable to people from all backgrounds. That’s the fun part about basing my comedy off of personal experiences.

I feel like I’m able to connect with the audience through my art, and the audience will leave feeling like we’ve known each other for years. 2 How does it feel to be playing the Fringe for the first time? I’m really excited for this debut. I was originally supposed to debut in 2020, and a lot has happened since then, so it’s like I get to bring my new, unexpected life to my art at the Fringe.

I’m honestly just looking forward to seeing all the other shows that I can, and being immersed in the arts for an entire month. Getting to focus on being solely creative in a place where everyone else is doing the same is a.