A FORMER beauty therapist has revealed her unconventional method for a youthful glow involves defying gravity. Nicola Jones shared her “secret weapon” for avoiding the visible signs of aging at 50. 2 Nicola Jones, 50, pictured, is a skincare brand founder and former beauty therapist based in London, England Credit: Nicola Jones Jones, who lives in London, England, founded the vegan-friendly skincare brand Face Junkie , following over 20 years of working in the beauty industry.

Speaking to The U.S. Sun, she shared tips for an ageless appearance.

TURNING THE TABLE Inversion tables are typically designed to relieve back pain while improving flexibility and strength. However, surprisingly Jones said she “swears by” using it for anti-aging benefits. Read more anti-aging tips FOREVER YOUNG My anti-aging routine is all about what I call the 'six elements of skincare' GLOW UP I'm 40 & look younger than I did in my 20s - my biggest anti-aging secret's free “Inversion therapy is where you hang upside down with your feet above your heart, it’s my secret weapon,” she said.

“It’s not just about defying gravity, it’s fantastic for boosting circulation and giving your skin that extra glow.” FOOD FOR THOUGHT Jones said it’s best to focus on getting a radiant appearance rather than chasing youth. “Radiance is timeless and can be achieved at any age with consistency,” she said.

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