Dear Cathy, My trainer has always taught positive reinforcement rather than negative consequences, as you recommend. However, I need help understanding what to do when my dog won't listen or obey in cases where it is important. For example, I have trained my two-year-old Havanese to come when I call, "leave it," "wait," etc.

, but when we are outside off leash with other distractions, he will do whatever she wants and ignore me totally. This includes eating dead animals or poop, going swimming, running away toward a parking lot, etc. When I do stop her, or she finally gives up the behavior and comes to me, giving her positive reinforcement/praise doesn't seem right.

But I don't know what to do, and my trainer has been no help. Can you explain how I should respond? – Deb, Manchester, Connecticut People are also reading..

. Dear Deb, It's great to hear you're committed to positive reinforcement training with your Havanese. The challenges you face with off-leash behavior are common and can be frustrating.

To improve your dog's responsiveness, start by practicing recall commands in a distraction-free environment like indoors or in a fenced yard, using high-value treats or toys as rewards. Gradually increase distractions during your training sessions, starting with mild distractions and slowly progressing to more challenging ones. When training outdoors, use a long training line (30 to 50 feet) to maintain control while allowing your dog some freedom, which helps you reinforce com.