Years ago, before COVID, when I worked in an office I had what everyone referred to as a work wife. Except he was a man, but “work husband” just didn’t roll off the tongue as easily. We were inseparable when we weren’t doing our separate jobs and we often worked on issues together.

Our significant others were more than accepting, and really enjoyed each other’s company when we went to events. We even socialized occasionally outside of work, but not excessively. To everyone involved, it seemed very mature and manageable.

Our relationship changed during COVID because we barely saw each other, and though we spoke on the phone, Zoom, Teams or whatever, we weren’t physically together. And then we both left that job and went our separate ways. It’s several years later and my relationship with my significant other is failing.

I heard that my “work husband” just broke up with his girlfriend . I’m tempted to call him up and meet for coffee. What do you think? I think there’s nothing wrong with coffee .

.. but only if you’re expecting coffee and not anticipating a hot chocolate-fudge sundae.

In other words, be honest with yourself (first) why you want to meet for coffee. Do you miss your friend? Understandable. Do you think there could be something more between you? Perhaps.

Do you just need some confidence and morale boosting from someone you know who used to think you were fabulous? That’s OK too. Just be honest with him as to why you want to meet, and then m.