AT what point does our child’s social media use become a concern? It’s inevitable that our children will have phones and social media accounts. But the harm it may cause was further highlighted last week when a study showed that TikTok use could increase the risk of eating disorders. After women aged between 18 and 28 were shown videos of weight-loss tips, small waists and workouts for eight minutes, their body image satisfaction “significantly decreased” compared to females shown videos about nature, cooking and animals.

It reiterates that it is a good idea for parents to regularly check the type of content their youngsters are watching. Hopefully it is just dance routines and funny pranks. READ MORE HEALTH NEWS It is a good idea to make sure your kids step away from their phones often enough to touch base with reality, too.

Here’s a selection of what readers have asked me this week . . .

Pills combo makes me feel woozy Q) I HAVE been prescribed amlodipine, losartan and bisoprolol and been told it’s OK to take them all at once. I do this first thing in the morning, but find it makes me feel woozy and dizzy for a couple of hours. Most read in Health What can I do? Or is it to be expected? I am a 77-year-old man.

A) All three of these medicines are used to treat high blood pressure (among other things) and they each work differently. Amlodipine, which can also be taken to prevent angina symptoms, and losartan, which can also treat heart failure and protect kidneys,.