What is the most surprising thing you’ve learned about your wife since you got married? She is extremely understanding and forgiving. Because of my job, if there’s any shortcoming on my side, we talk about it. Even the issues you wouldn’t expect her to understand or overlook, she does.

It’s surprising to see this trait in a generation that is largely impatient and mostly logical in reasoning. You both seem to be ambitious. She is a medical practitioner, and you have your doctorate and are a politician, how do you balance these with effective home management? We understand that the family is pivotal.

Our primary responsibility is to the family, so we try to use any available time to discuss family, future, and children, compare options, and seek the best approaches. We respect each other’s careers. I respect her career greatly, understanding how demanding and energy-sapping it can be, and she appreciates that I must take care of many people outside our immediate family.

I am happy she doesn’t feel bad when try solving problems for others and getting involved in their challenges. I also acknowledge that she needs time in the hospital to take care of her patients. It all comes down to understanding.

You are a young politician. Was your wife aware of your political tendencies before marriage, and was she concerned? At the time we got married, my trajectory into politics wasn’t clear because I was teaching at the university. Back then, it seemed I was building a care.