Each week, Dr Kirstin Ferguson tackles questions on workplace, career and leadership in her advice column, “ Got a Minute? ” This week: holding out for long-service leave, intrusive co-workers and resigning days before a redundancy round. There are not too many benefits for staying in a workplace that is toxic and stressful. Credit: Dionne Gain I am a senior female working in a large organisation.

In a few months, I will hit 10 years service and be eligible for long service leave. Unfortunately, the corporate culture has become toxic and extremely stressful. What are the benefits to sticking it out until I hit the 10-year mark, and what do I lose if I don’t? Loading There are not too many benefits for staying in a workplace that is toxic and stressful, but you are also right to think about the financial consequences of leaving.

Generally speaking, you qualify for your full entitlement to long service leave after 10 years service. If you leave early, any entitlements depend on the state you are in. In NSW , you can only get a pro-rata amount of leave if you leave due to ill health, incapacity, or some other pressing reason.

In Victoria , when you have been with the same employer for seven years and your employer terminates your employment you can access a pro-rata amount of long service leave. If you can manage, hang on a few more months until you reach the 10-year mark, so you can get your full entitlement, which is usually about two months paid leave. You can use that .