WHEN Vanessa Feltz revealed the new man she’d been dating had dumped her by text on Best magazine’s Suddenly Single podcast, one woman felt her pain. Melanie, 52, from Walsall, was stunned when her husband of 17 years broke up with her in the same way – and was shattered when it transpired he was leaving her for her best friend. Here, she tells Sarah Morton why she will never forget that message and the effect it had on her life.

I STRUGGLED to catch my breath as I read the message on my phone. There they were, a few little words that ripped my heart in two: “I don’t love you any more. I’m leaving.

” The text was from my husband, Martin. We’d been married for 17 years and, while things had been tough in our relationship for a while, I’d never expected it to come to this. And the worst part? I would soon find out he was ditching me for my best friend.

Read More on Fabulous They had been having an affair behind my back for months. And now he was leaving me and our two children with nothing but an empty bank account and our hearts full of hurt. Vanessa Feltz has my complete sympathy.

She may not have been dating her mystery man for long, but being dumped by text is one of the worst feelings imaginable. Martin was at work when he sent me the devastating message that would change my life for ever. Most read in Fabulous It was an ordinary afternoon one day in February 2022.

And, despite the fact we’d been like ships in the night over the previous months, and I ha.