Inspiration for baby names can come from anywhere. If you've ever sat down and made a list of potential baby names , you might have spent time reviewing your favourite TV shows or books for inspiration. Some parents are also influenced by seasons, plants, and the weather when it comes to naming their little ones, as there's no right or wrong way to choose a moniker.

One mum, however, has said she wishes she didn't let her husband take control of naming their son because he decided to look for inspiration in his favourite video game. She revealed her spouse wanted to call their youngster Link after the hero in The Legend of Zelda franchise, but she "wasn't a fan" of the choice. In a post on Reddit , the woman said she was willing to compromise with her husband and call their son Lincoln, which would still offer the opportunity for "Link" to be used as a nickname.

However, the dad was adamant that the spelling be kept the same, so they've now ended up naming their child Linkyn. The couple, from Canada, also claimed that adding a "y" to the name was a "nod" to the dad's "Welsh heritage". Despite reaching a compromise on the moniker, the mum still wishes they had "spelt it the traditional way".

She said: "He wanted to name our son Link after the main character in the Legend of Zelda games. I wasn't the biggest fan, but compromised on Lincoln. He wanted it spelt so that 'Link' was still part of his name, and the y is a nod to his Welsh heritage.

The spelling has grown on me over t.