Author Kohei Horikoshi’s My Hero Academia began its successful run in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 2014. Now, a decade later the beloved manga bid adieu to its loyal fanbase but the story of Deku still lives on. The main protagonist, a quirkless boy born in a superhuman society, amassed international fame because his story had passion and relatability woven sensibly in the plot, that tugs at your heartstrings.

Though set in a world filled with superpowers, the characters in the manga were humble and relatable, where everyone was driven by a strong motive. They evoked emotions and imparted profound lessons with simplistic dialogues about ‘never giving up’. Despite a fictional story, their desires all felt real to people reading the manga in the outside world.

Deku inspired thousands with his relentless passion and the latest ranking of Sheuisha’s Manga Plus is proof of it. #MHA430 #MyHeroAcademia First chapter Final chapter pic.twitter.

com/VdEphSWjus — VishalSid (@VishalSid_1) August 4, 2024 My Hero Academia released its last chapter on August 5 but even after the finale, the manga continues to rise on the popularity ratings. Such is the impact of its farewell that it surpassed One Piece and Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, two fan-favorites mangas on the top 5 list. Me rn #MHA430 #MyHeroAcademia pic. — sunshin3_frenchfries (@Katsuki56666260) August 3, 2024 Chainsaw Man dominates the list followed by Gege Akutami’s Jujutsu Kaisen. My .