David Hayes and Jade Travers wanted a home in Dublin near the sea. They did their research and found the perfect spot in Balbriggan, making it even better with a small but impressive two-storey extension David Hayes and Jade Travers and their cat Piddles in the pretty back garden of their home in Balbriggan. The two-storey extension designed by architect Robert Bourke and made of cedar wood and glass is only a few metres squared on both levels Computers and artists are not thought of as natural bedfellows — artist Pablo Picasso famously pronounced (with no small amount of petulance, it must be said) ‘computers are useless, they can only give you answers’ — but for David Hayes and Jade Travers, two wildly artistic people, the ‘answers’ Picasso bemoaned have proven life-changing.

From their first meeting online to finding their home online, to trawling the web to research the potential of their proposed new neighbourhood and choosing an architect for their renovation (the house won two awards for the architect Robert Bourke), David and Jade have harnessed technology in all aspects of their journey to their dream home. And yet their home isn’t technology heavy; instead it’s got character, colour, and abounds in examples of gorgeous creativity. Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.