We moved with my husband, and our two kids moved from South Carolina to Spain two years ago. Kids here stay up until almost midnight in the summer, and now my boys do as well. They can walk to the supermarket by their own and I often give them my credit card to buy stuff.

Since our American family moved from South Carolina to Madrid , I've been slowly adapting to all things Spain. We are currently in our second summer living in Spain and one thing I've noticed for sure is our daily schedule shifting. My kids stay up late In Spain, it is very common for children of all ages, from babies to school-aged children, to be out with their parents very late .

With the sun setting later and Spanish summers meaning long dinners outside and slow meals with friends, it is very typical for children to stay up after 11:00 p.m. on summer nights.

Our 11- and 9-year-old sons have adapted to a summer sleep schedule in Spain that is typically 11 p.m. — 11:00 a.

m. In the US, our children were car-dependent to see their friends, and so get-togethers ended much earlier. Occasionally, we would get together with friends on a summer weekend, and it would turn into a late night, but in Spain, that feeling lasts every night.

My kids go everywhere by themselves Our boys have loved having the freedom to walk themselves to the store in Madrid compared to in the US. In our neighborhood, they can walk or take their electric scooters to bakeries, supermarkets, soccer fields, pharmacies, restaurants, and mor.