Late Late Show viewers were left shocked on Friday night after a trailer for a new dating show that will be hosted by Rylan Clark was shown. The former X Factor star joined Patrick Kielty and Saoirse Ronan on the couch for the latest episode of the Late Late , where Rylan discussed the new dating show that he’s hosting, Dating Naked — which is exactly what you think it is. A teaser of the show was then played for those in attendance and the viewing audience — and while the details were spared from the audiences, there was underboob and bare bums galore — with Rylan revealing that there is nowhere to hide in the actual show, and the entire thing is uncensored.

‘We filmed in Colombia, so they were all very comfortable naked. I was the only one wearing clothes so I was a sweaty mess — I never wanted to be more naked in my life,’ Rylan joked — before explaining that he wants everyone to feel comfortable in their naked bodies on the show — breaking the ice in a hilarious way. ‘As a host I want them to feel comfortable with me as host, and with each other,’ Rylan said.

‘And the very first day, they were all walking in, they all lined up, and I’d walked in — it was the full time I’d seen them in, well, all their glory. So I thought “what do I do as host?” ‘I did a little intro, and then [the producers] went “guys, we need to stop for one second, we need to move a camera because there’s a sun flare.” So it was like silence for 30 seconds, and.