DEAR DEIDRE: THERE have been some truly shocking things said by my ex about my new wife, who has just become a mum to our beautiful baby daughter. My wife and I are in our early thirties. I also have a ten-year-old daughter from my previous relationship.

We split up five years ago and our daughter stays with us every weekend. Recently, she has started to complain that we ignore her and don’t care about her. She’s decided she hates my wife and no longer loves me.

She moans that I don’t want to spend any time with her since her baby sister arrived six weeks ago. I know my toxic ex is behind all this nastiness and insecurity. Get in touch with Deidre Every problem gets a personal reply, usually within 24 hours weekdays.

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We have received some disgusting allegations from her, to the point where we are considering legal action for slander. This is massively affecting my mental health because I would do anything for both of my daughters. I feel as though my new wife, who has post-natal depression has become the scapegoat.

My ex has found every reason in the book to call me a bad parent ever since we broke up. She even tells our daughter that I am a bad father, and I fear that this is now really beginning to influence her. Dear Deidre: Spotting the signs your partner is cheating READ MORE FROM DEAR DEIDRE DEAR DEIDRE My girlfriend is going on holiday with mates.