When it comes to planning a wedding, most brides spend hours going over every detail to make sure their special day goes off without a hitch. But one bride -to-be took a unique approach to wedding planning after hearing how her sister wanted to walk down the aisle first so she could experience it too. In a Reddit post, she explained how her sister has always been her parents' 'favourite' - and how this resulted in their polar opposite childhoods.

While her sister was praised for success and failures, her accomplishments went unnoticed or even punished. She says her sister would sabotage her at every opportunity - and even managed to isolate her from her friends, end her romantic relationships, and stop her from attending her first-choice college. After pre-warning her fiancé about her parents' favouritism, he couldn't wait to witness it firsthand when meeting them for the first time.

She said: "You know those people that say that 'If I was in X situation, I'd have done something'? My husband is the type that really does. I'm the person who is meek and a doormat in any situation and then can't sleep at night wishing I had done something, had thought of something witty to say, etc. I'm the person that can't help but cry when I'm angry.

"My husband is the guy who claps back immediately. He loves drama, in that he loves to resolve it. He's the guy that if he doesn't immediately reply to a slight, you better start worrying because he won't forgive and forget, he's just stewing s.