My cousin is a wonderful person. She’s warm, fun, has plenty of friends and is always up to hang out. Her husband is not as warm but always amenable to hanging out with us, except he’s rarely around.

My cousin says he works hard, but they have nothing to show for it. They don’t have children or pets, live in a very small rundown house and rarely go on vacation. My cousin confessed to me she’s had enough of his lies because nothing adds up.

But she doesn’t know what to do. It seems he leaves early every morning for the office, comes home late every evening from meetings and is out of town at least seven days a month, usually more. She’s gone through his pockets and found nothing.

She’s tried going through his phone but hasn’t been successful. I suggested she check the bank records, which she did, but they have a joint account he deposits money into every month, which is just enough to pay all the bills. No large deposits or debits.

Something is off. What do you suggest? The first thing I suggest you do is talk to your cousin about your involvement. Impress upon her that your relationship as family means everything to you and you don’t want anything to come between you.

It’s up to her to decide just how involved she wants you to be. Often, when someone is too close and relationships implode, that person gets pushed away because they knew too much, were too involved. You want to avoid that.

Next, I suggest your cousin gets honest with herself in her suspicion.