A FRUSTRATED woman has opened up about the fight she got into with her boyfriend post-shower. She revealed that she got in hot water after taking an "everything shower." Redditor No_Sector_8740 shared the dating dilemma in a post.

"Am I the a**hole for taking a 26-minute shower?" she asked. She explained that after she got out of the shower, she found her partner had "lost their s**t." "I am a female with longer, thicker hair, and I was doing what some refer to as a full body shower - washing, conditioning hair, shaving, washing my body and my face, and then I got out," she explained.

"My partner said they were running the sink for as long as I was in the shower and asked if I noticed how much water was wasted then." The Redditor was confused by the act. "I asked how I'd be able to hear that run while I was in the shower?" she said.

She was even more confused by his response. "Exactly," he said. After adding up the duration of the music she listened to in the shower, she concluded that her shower time was a little under half an hour.

The Redditor, however, didn't see the shower problem as a big deal. "[There's] two of us [at] home; we have two full bathrooms; he showered last night, and I showered this morning," she said. "We had no plans for the day.

I take this length shower once every three to four days. "I don't shower every day (because I work from home), but if I do, I'm under ten minutes with body washed and hair shampooed for a regular wash." I asked how I'd be able t.