Audiences of all tastes will be greeted with a diverse variety of movie genres, from psychological thrillers to heartwarming animations and impactful documentary dramas, scheduled for release in local cinemas this October. Feast your eyes on some international films set to come out next month: One of the most brilliant criminal masterminds in cinematic history is back for more in “Joker: Folie à Deux,” which follows Arthur Fleck (played by Joaquin Phoenix) , now confined at the Arkham State Hospital to make amends for the crimes committed by his rebellious persona—more notoriously known as the Joker. Another misadventure awaits Arthur as he stumbles upon his would-be partner in crime Harley Quinn portrayed by singer-songwriter Lady Gaga .

Together, they find romance in Gotham City that is bound to be doomed due to their unanimous scheme to take over the world. The sequel, released by Warner Bros. Pictures , will be out on October 2.

Based on a best-selling novel by Peter Brown , an intelligent robot named Roz finds himself stranded on a deserted island. Totally unaware of his surroundings, the once-unfeeling machine tries to understand and grasp the things that only living creatures could relate to—family and survival. In this science fiction adaptation by Dreamworks Animation , Roz develops genuine relationships with native animals inhabiting the island and a parental bond with an orphaned gosling, gradually learning how to live a life filled with friendships and a.