Musician Martyn Ware claimed Rockstar extended him and Heaven 17 an offer to put their song, ‘Temptation’ in GTA 6 – until they saw the amount they were going to be paid for the inclusion. Grand Theft Auto is one of the most profitable media properties of all time, with GTA 5 alone selling over 200 million copies . It’s one of the most-sold games of all time.

Musician and composer Martyn Ware claims that Rockstar extended him an offer to put Heaven 17’s 1983 hit, ‘Temptation’, in the game. And, while he was initially excited by the opportunity, the amount Ware claims Rockstar offered him for the song was, to him , insulting. IT WAS $7500 – for a buyout of any future royalties from the game – forever.

.. To put this in context, Grand Theft Auto 6 grossed, wait for it.

.. $8.

6 BILLION Ah, but think of the exposure...

Go fuck yourself “IT WAS $7500 – for a buyout of any future royalties from the game – forever...

To put this in context, Grand Theft Auto 6 grossed, wait for it...

$8.6 BILLION,” he exclaimed. “Ah, but think of the exposure.

.. Go f**k yourself.

” It’s pretty safe to assume that Martyn Ware wasn’t happy with the amount they were asking for, and that we won’t be hearing Temptation in GTA 6 unless Rockstar’s willing to fork over a better offer if Ware’s account is true. At the time it was released, The Luxury Gap went Platinum thanks in large part to Temptation’s popularity, with the song standing the test of time as one of Heave.