The show, named Our Little Hour, was commissioned by anti-racism educational charity Show Racism the Red Card. It tells the story of Walter Tull, the first black footballer to play at the highest level of the UK domestic game. He later became the first man of his heritage to be commissioned as an officer in the British Army.

The show will be performed at the Burton Taylor Studio in the Oxford Playhouse on October 11 and 12. Playwright Dougie Blaxland said he was motivated to write the show to redress the "injustice" of the lack of recognition Mr Tull has received for his achievements. He said: "In spite of the warm words of praise and the public unveiling of plaques and a statue dedicated to Walter Tull’s memory, a key moment in the former Spurs’ star’s life is all too often conveniently glossed over - and it is the dramatization of this that lies at the heart of Our Little Hour.

" The event referred to by Mr Blaxalnd took place on January 1, 1917, when Mr Tull became the first black British military officer to lead his men in combat. He was recommended for the Military Cross by his commanding officer but was killed weeks before the end of World War One..