Planning for your baby's arrival is a big moment, one that most people only want to share with their significant other. For one mum-to-be the part of planning she was most looking forward to was going shopping and picking out clothes for her child. The unnamed parent claims she has a very particular style and has known for years she would only have one child, so she really wanted to savour all the special moments along the way.

In a post on Reddit, she explained how she and her husband had decided to buy gender-neutral items for their baby, despite knowing they were having a girl, reports cafemom. She told all of their family about her wishes, but it seems her mother-in-law had other ideas. The expectant mum also shared how she was going to buy secondhand items for the child as she's been attempting to reduce her carbon footprint.

She said: "I stay away from plastic and non-sustainable materials as much as possible. I'm also not the most feminine person, and the idea of gendered children's clothes always really bothered me. Even since I was a teenager I wanted to avoid that when it came time to have my own baby.

" However, her mother-in-law wasn't keen on this and decided to take matters into her own hand, buying bags and bags of pink, sparkly baby clothes for her unborn grandchild. "[Mother-in-law] shows up with, I kid you not, 15 gift bags all labelled by month and each and every one is stuffed to the brim with baby girl clothes. "Every single item just screams 'grandma' or .