A TEEN who had to wait in hospital over 70 days for scoliosis surgery celebrated his return home with a trip to the toy shop - where he bought the Operation board game. Liam Dennehy Quinn , 13, from Fossa, Co Kerry was born with serious medical issues including Cerebral Palsy, epilepsy and is wheelchair bound, and then in March last year was diagnosed with scoliosis. Following a 12 hour operation in June he is home and ready to start secondary school - but not before his three older brothers treated him to a toy spree in Smyths.

Mum Pam Dennehy said: “He went to Smyths in Tralee - he got Batman characters, wrestlers, Goo jitzus, Lego, a bag of animals, Giant Jenga, a sword...

and Operation the board game! “I was surprised as normally he is squeamish. He loves it.” Liam’s socliosis deteriorated rapidly from a curvature of 35 degrees to 92 degrees.

He was in such pain he had to be admitted to two hospitals - firstly Kerry University Hospital and Temple Street , forcing him to leave his school and his pals behind as his mum Pam battled for the vital surgery that would change his life. He was finally operated on in Crumlin Children’s Hospita l in June. We need your help to ensure children like Liam do not have to wait so long for vital ops.

Sign our petition to make a change: The good news for the family was that because he is doing so well Liam’s future follow-ups can be done in Cork University Hospital , so they won’t have to endure the long car journey to Dublin ..