A MUM-of-five who died after being neglected by hospital staff at one point pleaded with them "not to let me die", a court heard. Laura-Jane Seaman, 36, was admitted to Broomfield Hospital in Essex , on December 20 2022 to give birth to her latest child. Although the birth itself was uneventful, the mum suffered a haemorrhage that went unnoticed by staff for hours - despite her losing consciousness in the hospital bed.

Laura-Jane had begged hospital staff for help after complaining of bleeding, before becoming unresponsive in bed. But carers initially "gave her biscuits" and thought she had simply fainted. The mum had a known history of haemorrhages, which the hospital trust was aware of.

Read More in Health Just days later, Laura-Jane tragically died in the hospital after multiple "basic failures" in her care by staff, a court heard. An inquest into her death at Essex Coroners'Court in Chelmsford, saw Area Coroner Sonia Hayes make the damning conclusions. The court heard how the mum had arrived shortly after 11pm on December 20 before having an "uneventful" birth with a "normal amount of blood loss".

In the immediate aftermath of the birth in the early hours of December 21, Laura-Jane had "normal" observations, had breast fed her baby and discussions took place about her going home. Most read in Health But in the following hours, her condition worsened. The court heard Laura-Jane had told hospital staff she felt a sense of "bleeding" and "gushing", saying to staff "please do.