Jade Collett was only 22 when she was on a night out with friends and began experiencing strange symptoms in her right foot. The 32-year-old says she noticed it had turned slightly outwards and gone completely numb - forcing the mum-of-one to be carried home due to the pain. Despite her friends laughing her ailment off as 'being too drunk', Jade grew more concerned when her symptoms persisted the following day.

The 32-year-old says she noticed it had turned slightly outwards (Image: Kennedy News and Media) Jade, who lives in Tenbury Wells, visited her GP who sent her for an MRI scan and further testing. The results revealed that Jade had a brain tumour in her motor cortex, which was affecting mobility in her foot, and she had just two years to live. Devastated, Jade began planning her own funeral and preparing herself to say goodbye to her one-year-old daughter Grace.

However, nine years after her terminal cancer diagnosis, Jade is continuing to defy doctors' predictions who 'cannot explain' why her tumour remains the same size. Now, Jade credits her unusual foot symptom for helping save her life by catching her hidden cancer early. Jade, who is unable to work due to her tumour, said: "I was on a night out with my friends then all of a sudden my foot started to turn outwards a little bit.

"I had hip dysplasia during my pregnancy so thought it was something to do with that or I'd twinged a nerve. "Everyone thought it was a pinched nerve. It didn't cross my mind that it could b.