A MUM died having gone to A&E with a “headache", an inquest has heard. Inga Rublite, 39, arrived at the Queen's Medical Centre, part of Nottingham University Hospitals, just after 10.30pm on January 19 after she was advised by a 111 clinician to do so because of a "sudden onset headache ".

A senior consultant at the QMC has admitted there was a "missed opportunity" in assessing the woman who'd been waiting more than eight hours in the Emergency Department and was found unconscious under a coat. The mum-of-two, originally from Latvia , felt the headache around midday on the same day while she was on a video call. Following the advice she received during the 111 call, a neighbour drove her to A&E and she had her initial nursing triage at 10.

55pm. An inquest into her death held on July 24, at Nottingham Council House was told how Ms Rublite's neighbour then left the hospital at 1.30am.

The woman was then seen at 2.07am for some observations and was called by staff at 4.30am, 5.

26am, and then again at 6.50am, when she was discharged from the system. As there was no response, it was assumed she left the department due to the long wait.

However, she was found in the waiting room area with a coat over her head slumped in front of her chair at around 7am on January 20. She was unresponsive and she had had a seizure and vomited. Most read in Health After she was found, she was "immediately attended to" by a senior doctor, her seizures were treated, and she was put into an induced co.