CARLY Hardwidge told medics seven times she could not feel her baby moving before her daughter was stillborn. The 33-year-old from Wiltshire also repeatedly warned midwives she was experiencing pain , contractions , water leakage and a blood-stained discharge . 3 Carly's concerns for her unborn baby were 'never taken seriously' (pictured with partner Hadyn) Credit: Carley supplied Despite her cries for help, staff at Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust failed to properly investigate Carly’s concerns or refer her to an obstetrician on multiple occasions.

“I was never listened to or taken seriously by the hospital staff. It has affected my mental health and still massively affects me, my partner, Haydn, and our other children,” she explained. Having previously had two miscarriages and pre-eclampsia , the mum-of-four should have been graded as high risk which would have put her under more intense care.

She should have also been referred to a senior consultant as early as September 2018 when she reported concerns about fluid loss for a third time. Read more on pregnancy BE ALERT The 3 fatal conditions fuelling highest maternity deaths in 20 years revealed FAMILY PAIN Baby died after being starved of oxygen as 'midwives joked about eating Haribo' And Carly should also have been referred to a consultant when she reported a lack of movement for a second time in November. These serious failings led to her daughter, Seren Browne, being stillborn , the Parliamentary .