Summary The FAA has passed over another 43 cases involving unruly passengers to the FBI. The new cases cover incidents between November 15, 2021, and March 3, with multiple instances of assaults and attempts to breach the cockpit. However, overall, unruly passenger incidents have been trending downward since 2021.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has said that it has passed over 43 unruly passenger cases to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for criminal prosecution over the last year. Assaults and flight deck breaches The US-based regulator stated that since late 2021, it has now referred more than 310 most serious cases to the FBI under the pair’s partnership to ensure unruly travelers face criminal prosecution. When the FAA refers a case to the FBI, the latter works closely with law enforcement partners and appropriate agencies to conduct an investigation.

The newly referred cases happened between November 15, 2021, and March 3, with at least three attempts to breach the flight deck. Passengers had attempted to break into the cockpit on April 20, 2023, November 9, 2023, and March 3. The FAA also reported at least 24 cases of physical and sexual assault, as well as six incidents that it defined as inappropriate physical contact between two passengers, with three separate instances of a traveler attempting to inappropriately touch a minor.

A passenger was allegedly served at least ten alcoholic drinks on Delta’s long-haul flight. Unacceptable behavior con.